TJ Curioso
JoinedPosts by TJ Curioso
My Dissociation letter
by TJ Curioso inhi to everyone!i was summoned to the judicial committee and went.
it was a respectful conversation from one side to the other.
in the end i handed the dissociation letter in hand and a binding to each of the elders, with an article i wrote on the subject, "are jehovah's witnesses a destructive sect?
PORTUGAL: Petition to terminate the legal entity of the Jehovah's Witness gets national news coverage
by EdenOne inthe petition is now going on 537 signatures.. today the newspaper "diário de notícias", the leading non-tabloid newspaper in the country, gave the story front page coverage and a full page to the article inside.. here are the links to the pictures of the pages:.
front page:.
page 6 and article: .
TJ Curioso
My Dissociation letter
by TJ Curioso inhi to everyone!i was summoned to the judicial committee and went.
it was a respectful conversation from one side to the other.
in the end i handed the dissociation letter in hand and a binding to each of the elders, with an article i wrote on the subject, "are jehovah's witnesses a destructive sect?
TJ Curioso
I understand and accept your statement about the insertion of the divine name made by the Watchtower in the New Testament.
My purpose was not to address all the divergent points, but to focus on what seems to me from the most shocking and aberrant doctrinal point of view.
Although the insertion of the divine name into New Testament passages may be questioned, this in itself does not (from the Christian point of view) put the salvation of one concerned.
And that was exactly the point I wanted to show in speaking of Jesus' mediation. I used the New World Translation exactly so there was no basis to claim that I was not using arguments that they themselves might disagree with in citing another translation.
My Dissociation letter
by TJ Curioso inhi to everyone!i was summoned to the judicial committee and went.
it was a respectful conversation from one side to the other.
in the end i handed the dissociation letter in hand and a binding to each of the elders, with an article i wrote on the subject, "are jehovah's witnesses a destructive sect?
TJ Curioso
I think "to sin" must be by excess and not by restraint. I believe that anyone reading the letter, either by the Judicial Committee or through the link that I have shared can have good results. Already today I received several positive comments, among which I highlight this:
"Carlos, your disassociation letter is so clear and pointed and rational while still being kind and empathetic, so inspiring. I sent it to my faded sister last night, who was still held by so much guilt, doubt, and self judgement from our upbringing. She read it and said it really opened her eyes and she no longer believes the jw religion is the truth. Thank you so much". -
My Dissociation letter
by TJ Curioso inhi to everyone!i was summoned to the judicial committee and went.
it was a respectful conversation from one side to the other.
in the end i handed the dissociation letter in hand and a binding to each of the elders, with an article i wrote on the subject, "are jehovah's witnesses a destructive sect?
TJ Curioso
Thank you for your words. I know it is most likely that this letter will not be read in its entirety. But I wanted to express exactly what I felt about this organization and only sinned by default.
When I have the audio ready and translated into English, I will also share with you (yes, I recorded EVERYTHING!).
My Dissociation letter
by TJ Curioso inhi to everyone!i was summoned to the judicial committee and went.
it was a respectful conversation from one side to the other.
in the end i handed the dissociation letter in hand and a binding to each of the elders, with an article i wrote on the subject, "are jehovah's witnesses a destructive sect?
TJ Curioso
Hi to everyone!
I was summoned to the Judicial Committee and went.
It was a respectful conversation from one side to the other. In the end I handed the dissociation letter in hand and a binding to each of the elders, with an article I wrote on the subject, "Are Jehovah's Witnesses a Destructive Sect?" where I analyze from the scholarly point of view of psychology, psychiatry and sociology the phenomenon of destructive sects applied to the Watchtower organization.
You can read my dissociation letter here:
http://www.desperta.net/testemunhos/letter-of-dissociation-of-carlos-fernandesI hope you enjoy it.
You can download my article here, but is all in portuguese:
http://www.mediafire.com/file/381c5r6zcqk951c/Ant%C3%B3nio+Madaleno+-+Seitas+Destrutivas.rar -
PORTUGAL: Filed a petition to the parliament to erase the legal entity of the Jehovah's Witness
by EdenOne inbased on legal arguments that revolve around violations of several articles of the portuguese constitution, and of the law of religious freedom, a petition to the portuguese parliament has been set in motion to extinguish the legal entity that represents the jehovah's witness in portugal and remove this community from the national register of recognized religions protected by law.
the petition does not seek to ban the jehovah's witness as a whole in the country.
the petition denounces the institutional policy of shunning former members as a violation of basic human rights and psychological torture, and asks the portuguese legislators and judicial authorities to take action to stop this abuse, and suspend legal recognition to the branch office entity until the policies of shunning are changed.
TJ Curioso
PORTUGAL: Filed a petition to the parliament to erase the legal entity of the Jehovah's Witness
by EdenOne inbased on legal arguments that revolve around violations of several articles of the portuguese constitution, and of the law of religious freedom, a petition to the portuguese parliament has been set in motion to extinguish the legal entity that represents the jehovah's witness in portugal and remove this community from the national register of recognized religions protected by law.
the petition does not seek to ban the jehovah's witness as a whole in the country.
the petition denounces the institutional policy of shunning former members as a violation of basic human rights and psychological torture, and asks the portuguese legislators and judicial authorities to take action to stop this abuse, and suspend legal recognition to the branch office entity until the policies of shunning are changed.
TJ Curioso
A petition well done!
I share on my website and facebook page and shared to my contacts on Portugal, many of them just signed:
https://www.facebook.com/comunidade.extj/posts/716718268526213?comment_id=716726475192059&reply_comment_id=716816318516408¬if_id=1517780082992985¬if_t=feed_comment&ref=notif -
Portuguese translation of Crises of conscience?
by Diogenesister indoes it exist and if so where could i get a copy?
i am in touch with a young, particularly uninformed portuguese sister who has been talking to my bi-lingual neighbour.
i have been telling her about some of the organisation's history, of which she is absolutely clueless, and she is open to reading this book....i mean that's how little she knows about her religions own edicts.
TJ Curioso
My friend You can talk to me. I'm portuguese and I will help You:
https://www.facebook.com/carlosfernandes1970 -
The Watchtower's Medical Expert
by Lee Elder ina new article by s. sparrow, published today at ajwrb, investigates dr. joachim boldt, one of the watchtower's “bloodless medicine” experts.
a notorious “medical pretender” who has exposed jw's to additional needless risk.
watchtower continues to cite this source, and fails to expose him as a fraud.
TJ Curioso
Article translated to portuguese in my website: